Saturday 8 September 2012

Nove at Night

As Charles Nove reads his last news bulletin on Radio 2 today ("I've been Charles Nove") here’s a clip of the man himself 29 years ago on You and the Night and the Music. This is from the days when the station didn’t quite broadcast 24 hours a day; one day a week we had a one minute silence whilst BBC engineers tightened up the elastic band at the transmitter (probably more technical than that I’m guessing!).

This recording comes under the sub-category of things found at the end of a tape. Charles, or rather Julie Dawn, get cut off in their prime.

And here is that final bulletin:


  1. I was convinced the first song here was "Brown Eyed Handsome Man". Certainly better than what it actually is ...

  2. Good heavens above!!

    Well done for dredging this up. And even featuring the 0230hrs weekly emergency generator test!

    Oh yes, and Julie Dawn's mawkish penfriend corner :-(

    I always detested it. So much so, that when the management finally pulled the plug on it, they made me pre-record the links either side of its final appearance, in case I should express myself in an unapproved manner! There may well be a tape in someone's personal collection of an unbroadcast(able) version. As I recall, it went: (solemn voice) "That was the last edition of penfriend corner, so thank you Julie.....and F*ck Off!"

    Happy Days!
