How well do you remember the news
events of 1982? September 1982 in particular? Yes Thatcher was in power. Yes
there'd been the Falklands War earlier that year. But beyond that...
On a personal note I was just about
to start the third and final year of my degree so was no doubt getting ready to
knuckle down to some hard studying!! But not too busy to commit these three
classic long-running topical comedy shows to tape. Yes, this is a rare
opportunity to listen to The News
Huddlines, The News Quiz and Week Ending all from the same week in
Firstly a typically lively Thursday
night edition of The News Huddlines
from 23 September. With Roy Hudd is Chris Emmett and Alison Steadman. There'll
be more about The News Huddlines next
month. Amazingly even six years after
resigning as PM, the team still wring some humour out of Harold Wilson, but
then Chris did a great Wilson voice. A highlight is Alison's reading of Di's
Next up is Week Ending from Friday 24 September with David Jason, David Tate,
Nicky Henson and Tracy Ullman. Subjects
for comedy include the TUC day of action, the Middle East, unemployment and a
certain Royal Wedding. There's that old
standby of comic observations in the David Attenborough style. In all honesty there's little here that raises
a smile, not sure if it's the passage of time or that this is a duff
Finally the Saturday lunchtime
edition of The News Quiz. In the
chair is Barry Took. Taking part are Russell Davies, Hunter Davies, Sue Cook and, here amply demonstrating the comedy value that he imbued, Alan Coren. Reading the headlines, complete with accents,
is Peter Donaldson. Note that the panel
totally fail to answer what Took acknowledges as a "difficult question".
Anyone checking the BBC Genome
listing for this edition of The News Quiz
will spot that Stan McMurtry was billed to appear rather than Hunter Davies.
I've submitted this information to the Genome team.
When Miles Jupp kicks off the 88th
series of The News Quiz tonight he'll
be the fifth chairman in the programme's 38-year history, following in the
footsteps of Barry Norman, Barry Took, Simon Hoggart and Sandi Toksvig.
In the mid-70s BBC national radio
offered any number of general knowledge quizzes, from Brain of Britain and Top of
the Form to Forces Chance and Town and Country Quiz but nothing with a current affairs slant.
The idea for a quiz about the news
was first pitched by Nicholas Parsons - himself no stranger to topical radio
comedy after performing in Listen to this Space - to a young BBC comedy producer, one John Lloyd. A suggested team
captain was Gyles Brandreth and the suggested title was Keep Taking the Tabloids.
The notion of a topical quiz was not
an entirely new one, BBC2 had already broadcast Quiz of the Week that Ned Sherrin had chaired some seven years
previously. The only similarity between
the two programmes would be the reliance on Private
Eye team members; Richard Ingrams, John Wells and Willie Rushton appeared
on the TV version with both Ingrams and Wells becoming regulars on the eventual
radio incarnation.
The pilot of Keep Taking the Tabloids was not a success. Lloyd reckoned that the
news needed a serious title and a more serious approach. So on 1 April 1977 a
new pilot, this time under the title of The
News Quiz, was recorded. The panel consisted of Alan Coren - who would of
course rise to be the show's star turn for the best part of three decades -
Ingrams, Russell Davies and Nigel Dempster. The chairman was Barry Norman and
the newsreader John Marsh. This is how it all sounded. Note the nod to Parson's
original title which gets a deserved groan.
The News Quiz got
the green light and the first edition aired on Radio 4 on Tuesday 6 September
with the same participants as the pilot except for the substitution of Nigel
Dempster for Clive James. You'll notice the first transmission date was a
Tuesday, odd for a quiz about the week's news; but which week? It moved to a
Saturday for the start of the second series in 1978 but didn't find its current
Friday night 6.30 pm slot until major Radio 4 schedule changes were implemented
in April 1998.
The News Quiz was
launched fully formed and required very little tweaking over the years: two
teams of two with questions over three rounds. News cuttings read by a Radio 4
newsreader and panellists reading out their favourite news story at the end. And
of course the sig tune of Leroy Anderson's The
Typewriter. The only real change has been the gradual shift from the quiz
format to an outright comedy format. Listen back to early editions and the
majority of the panellists have a journalistic background. They sometimes
scrabble around for an answer or, as was often the case with Richard Ingrams,
totally fail to know anything about the news story.
There was a no comedians rule which
original co-producer (who had previously worked in the BBC's News Cuttings
Library so was well-placed to look after the show) Danny Greenstone says was
observed "because it would be too simple to simply populate the show with
comedians, there were too many good ones around and we wanted The News Quiz to be very different and
to stand out." They didn't want comics to "twist the news story to
provide themselves a feed for the gag that they want to do".
Certainly by the time that Barry Took
succeeded Barry Norman in 1979 the show was already evolving with Took keen to
ensure that panellists drew out the humour from the subject matter:"The
joy of The News Quiz is that while
the questions are not especially difficult for the working journalists on the
team to answer, their reaction to the
question and their way of answering it reflects in many ways their own
individual journalistic style".
This edition of the programme is a News Quiz of the Year. The year in
question is 1989. Taking part are Alan Coren, Richard Ingrams, John Wells and
Kate Adie. In the chair is Barry Took, reading the headlines is Brian Perkins
and the producer is Armando Iannucci. This recording was made on Saturday 23
December 1989.
In 1990 former News Quiz producer Harry Thompson went off to BBC TV to produce the
TV equivalent in Have I Got News For You?
taking with him panellist Ian Hislop. It took the radio show another six or
seven years before it regularly employed a resident comedy contributor with
Jeremy Hardy and Andy Hamilton joining the rota. These two are now the
longest-serving panellists, along with journalist Francis Wheen who first
appeared in 1994.
One of the show's constants is the
use of the otherwise formal sounding Radio 4 newsreaders. Former newsreader
Charlotte Green said that they "love to take part because the programme
allows them to play the part of a court jester to the hilt, reading out
comically surreal cuttings from the newspapers". One of Charlotte's
favourites was: "Shoplifters are becoming ever more exotic in their choice
of goods. In New York, light-fingered Sybil Serth was rushed to hospital with
hypothermia, after concealing six frozen quails in her bra and four more in her
knickers. 'My son must have put them there when I wasn't looking,' she later
In 2002 The News Quiz celebrated its 25th anniversary with an extended edition of the programme and an edition of The Archive Hour presented by Matthew Parris titled Headlines, Deadline and Punchlines, You'll also hear contributions from John Lloyd, Danny Greenstone, Alan Coren, Richard Ingrams, Harry Thompson, Ian Hislop, Simon Hoggart, Roy Hattersley, Charles Kennedy, Jeremy Hardy, Lucy Armitage and Linda Smith.
Outgoing News Quiz chair
Sandi Toksvig talked about the shows evolution in 2008: “If you hear some of
the early programmes, they’re not funny. People would be asked about a story,
they’d answer and they’d get two points.” That same Daily Telegraph article explained that "purists will be happy
to learn that the contestants get no prior warning of the questions. The wiser
ones will prepare gags on the week’s events – but aren’t allowed to take anything
written into the Thursday night recordings. Toksvig is equipped with one-liners
from a team of writers, but relies on ad-libs for 'around 40 per cent' of her
contributions. The producer then has to edit an hour and a quarter’s worth of
material into 28 minutes. (Sharp-eared listeners will notice that this
sometimes has strange effects on the already fairly arbitrary scoring system.)"
According to Toksvig, in a Radio Times interview earlier this year,
the first thing she did when she took over as presenter in September 2006 was
"to get rid of the person who kept score ... the listeners never heard her
but she sat right in the middle between the host and the newsreader". She
acknowledged that "it's not even a quiz. We never needed a scorer at all because
the host makes the points up."
And finally a 2005 edition of the
show chaired by Simon Hoggart with Alan Coren, Andy Hamilton, Fred MacAulay and
the much missed Linda Smith. Reading the headlines is Charlotte Green. This
programme aired on Friday 1 July 2005.
Like Simon and Sandi before him, Miles is a poacher turned gamekeeper, moving from contestant to chairperson. Already he hopes to "tweak" the guest list, suggesting a return to a more mixed panel. "I would like to get some politicians on, particularly those who are capable of actual thought and speech. I want to make sure we keep having journalists on, too. They really go for the stories, whereas comedians tend to pick around the periphery of a news item and make jokes in the margin, which is valid. But journalists talk about the news stories in a way that makes them more accessible." As to how long he'll stay with The News Quiz, "it's open-ended", he told the Radio Times. "I'm just thinking about my first series, and doing the best job I can do, The news is different every week, so there's no reason why it can't feel fresh for quite a long time." Dedicated to Danny Greenstone who
sadly died last month.
Quotes from:
Hunting through the headlines by James Walton (Daily Telegraph 25 September 2008)
And finally...
by Kirsty Lang (Radio Times 20 June 2015) Here is the news by Patrick Foster (Radio Times 12 September 2015)
Laughter in the Air by Barry Took (Robson Books 1981)
The News is Read by Charlotte Green (Robson Press 2014)
The News Quiz
did make an unsuccessful transition to TV as Scoop. Two series were broadcast on BBC2, the first in 1981 chaired
by Barry Norman, the second in 1982 with Richard Stilgoe.
is the BBC Home Service. From Our Own
Correspondent. We are broadcasting now the first of a new series of
programmes in which BBC correspondents will deal with current affairs as seen
from their own posts in various parts of the world ..."
So began the
introduction, sixty years ago on 25 September 1955, to what would become a radio
institution. From Our Own Correspondent
provides "correspondents with an opportunity to say a little more: to
provide some of the context to the stories they're covering, to describe some
of the characters involved and some of the sights they see as they watch events
unfold". (1)
In 1955 FOOC offered a rare opportunity for
longer more reflective and more personal talks on world events outside of the usual
reports for the Radio Newsreel
programmes - at the time most other news bulletins were just a straight
read-through by the newsreader.
programme's approach was summed up by journalist Misha Glenny: "radio
correspondents often feel as though their wings are clipped. A piece for the
six o'clock news lasts between forty-five seconds and one minute fifteen (the
latter if you are on a ver big story) which means that you may say nothing but
the bare minimum. If you are producing a feature, your own sentiments are
invariably, and correctly, drowned by sounds effects and other voices. It is
only through FOOC that the BBC correspondents are able to communicate directly
and personally with their audience". (2)
To mark the
programmes sixtieth anniversary the Radio 4 today broadcasts a
discussion on Foreign Reporting: Past,Present and Future presented by Owen Bennett-Jones. This will also go out on the World Service. In addition Kate Adie presents an additional eight editions of FOOC, the first airs today.
But for this
blog post I'm going back to the thirtieth anniversary in 1985 with this special
edition presented by the BBC's former diplomatic editor Angus McDermid. In From Our Own Correspondent-The World 30
Years On you'll hear:
·Ian McDougall on the U-2 incident
·Robert Elphick on Czechoslovakia
·Tim Sebastian from Gdansk, Poland
·Clive Small reviews East-West
·Philip Short in Syria (1973)
·Gerald Butt surveys the Middle East
·Martin Bell on the Biafran War
·Mike Wooldridge on Africa
·Anthony Lawrence in Vietnam (1970)
·Philip Short on the trial of The Gang
of Four in China (1980)
·Mark Braine surveys China today
·Christopher Serpell on the Common
Market (1969)
·Stephen Jessel reviews EEC history
·Martin Bell in El Salvador (1981)
·Robert Tyrer on Latin America
·David Willey from Naples
·Ian Mitchell in Bonn (1976)
·Michael Elkins in Jerusalem (1978)
programme was broadcast on Radio 4 on Wednesday 25 September 1985.
(1) FOOC
producer Tony Grant in his foreword to Kidnapped
and Other Dispatches by Alan Johnston (Profile Books 2007)
(2) From Our Own Correspondent: The First Forty
Years edited by Tony Grant (Pan 1995)
Thursday 22 September 1955, and British broadcasting was on
the verge of a new era: commercial television was launched. Admittedly it was
only in the London area and, it was estimated, just one set in five was tuned
to 'Independent Television'.
However, the big news in the press the following morning was
not just about the first commercials but that there had been a 'Death in the
Family' as poor Grace Archer had met her untimely and shocking demise whilst
attempting to rescue her horse from a blazing barn. Graces' screams of
"Midnight! Midnight!" and Phil's plea "Grace, come back! The
roof's collapsing" were heard by about eight million listeners to the BBC
Light Programme daily serial The Archers
just an hour before Postmaster General Dr Charles Hill and Sir Kenneth Clark,
Chairman of the ITA made their inaugural speeches in London's Guildhall.
The opening line-up for ITV in London published in the
new magazine TV Times
The next morning the headline in the Daily Mirror read 'Radio fans weep as Grace Archer 'Died'' whilst
the News Chronicle asked 'Why did
Grace have to die?'. Even The Times
was moved to report 'Death of BBC Serial Character'.
The events surrounding that fateful night in 1955 are this
weekend recalled in the BBC Radio 4 drama Dead Girls Tell No Tales. Written by former Archers
scriptwriter Joanna Toye it depicts life in and around The Archers' production office and studio. Amongst the cast is the
original Grace Archer played by the now 90-year-old Ysanne Churchman.
But was the turn of events in Ambridge mere coincidence or,
as some claimed, a stunt? At the time scriptwriter Edward J. Mason denied that
Grace had died in the cause of publicity rather than art. The Herald, however, pointed out that the death "ensured that The Archers made headlines when 'in all
theory' sound radio should have been pushed right off the news pages by the
advent of Independent TV."
Mary Crozier of the Manchester Guardian perhaps summed it up
best, in verse:
She dwelt unseen amid the Light,
Among the Archer clan,
And breathed her last the very night
That ITV began ...
She was well loved, and millions know
That Grace has ceased to be.
Now she is in her grace, but oh,
She scooped the ITV.
The truth of the matter was that the exact timing Grace's
death was no coincidence. Her 'exit' had been planned months before, just not
when, or how. According to Asa Briggs'
history of the BBC the decision to kill off Grace had been taken in January
1955, months before her marriage to Phil Archer that Easter. The creator of The Archers, Godfrey Beasley, wrote to
Rooney Pelletier, the Controller of the Light Programme, on 10 January that
"at a suitable opportunity, either at the end of August or early
September, Grace will be involved in a motor vehicle accident which will prove
By 11 May 1955 the plan had been hatched by Pelletier in a
memo to Denis Morris, Head of Midland Regional Programmes. He wrote: "the more
I think about it, the more I believe that a death of a violent kind in The Archers timed if possible to
diminish interest in the opening of commercial television in London is a good
At the same time Briggs observes that this was not the whole
truth of the matter. The scriptwriters were also "anxious to cut the
number of characters in the series: they felt it was becoming 'cluttered up'
and that it would be desirable to introduce 'greater validity' into the
situations described".
There was also a degree to which radio was flexing its
muscles, showing it was still a force to be reckoned with, despite the rise in
television viewing. It's no coincidence that all this happened just two years after
the BBC had issued a Ten-Year Plan that concluded that sooner or later
"with the growth of television audiences and a consequent shrinkage of
audiences dependent on sound alone" there may have to be realignments of
the radio services. Did the death of Grace Archer mark the beginning of the end
of radio's Golden Era?
This is what listeners to the Light Programme will have
heard that week in September. This edition of The Archers is the omnibus version that was broadcast on the Saturday
As a postscript to this blog post it seems that The Archer's may have made the news
in 1955 for other reasons, as an early example of a transfer from radio to
television. I stumbled across this aborted attempt to have the folk of Ambridge
fill part of BBC tv's Toddler's Truce closedown period in Leonard Miall's Inside the BBC:
At that time, when evening television only began at 7.30
p.m., the Post Office set a strict limit on the number of hours of television
that the BBC might transmit each week. However, when ITV started in 1955 the
Post Office allowed the evening's viewing to begin at 7 p.m.
Unfortunately this daily increase of thirty minutes' television
time was not accompanied by any more studio space or film resources, which were
then what limited programme expansion. Every production studio at Lime Grove
was fully committed, so Cecil McGivern, BBC Television's Controller, decided to
fill the extra time with a quarter of an hour of news originated from a studio
at Alexandra Palace, followed by a daily television version of The Archers, produced in Birmingham.
The pilot programmes of The Archers were not up to standard,
and at short notice McGivern asked if the Television Talks department could
provide a substitute daily programme.
That programme turned out to be Highlight which in turn begat Tonight.
Miall goes on to say:
The Archers may
have muffed their own television launch, but with panache they pre-empted the
press coverage of ITV's Guildhall launch by having Grace Archer die in a brave
attempt to save a horse from a blazing barn. (Donald) Baverstock immediately
invited The Archers' writers to be
interviewed on Highlight by its
initial presenter MacDonald Hastings. Mac introduced the item with the words
'And now for a slight case of murder.' Castigated for causing national grief,
the scriptwriter Ted Mason countered by demanding, 'Why blame us? Did people
blame Shakespeare for the death of Desdemona?'
Dead Girls Tell No Taleswill be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Saturday 19 September 2015 at 2.30 p.m.
The History of
Broadcasting in the United Kingdom Volume IV: Sound and Vision by Asa
Briggs (OUP 1979)
Inside the BBC by
Leonard Miall (Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1994)
Recent press coverage of the play Dead Girls Tell No Tales (and indeed the Radio 4 news report above) states an audience for infamous edition of The Archers as hitting 20 million, this
is probably overstated by more than 50%. Briggs quotes an audience of 8 million
and the BBC Year Book for 1956 states
the usual figure as 9 million. Bearing in mind that there would have been no
pre-publicity about the tragic storyline (how unlike today's coverage of events
on Coronation Street and EastEnders) it seems unlikely that 20 million tuned
He was the voice of cricket. In that post-war
period when the BBC had a monopoly on sports coverage it was John Arlott's commentary
that welcomed in the summer. When in
1957 radio's Test Match Special began
- "don't miss a ball, we broadcast them all" - Arlott and fellow
commentator Rex Alston were there to bring the action. John would cover all the
domestic Test games until his retirement some twenty-three years later. His
last cricket commentary was exactly thirty-five years ago today.
John Arlott was born and raised in
Basingstoke, Hampshire, as evident by that famous Hampshire burr. He had a
passion for reading and devoured any material he could lay his hands on: Jules
Verne, Dickens, Scott, The Strand. A
Double Scholarship to Basingstoke Grammar saw him enjoy mixed fortunes academically
and on the sports field- he enjoyed playing both football and cricket. Even
during his school years his future career seemed to be mapped out. He took part
in school debates and on one occasion spoke about 'the development of cricket
from its original games' and gave 'interesting accounts of old cricket
matches'. He'd also fill an exercise book with analysis of the scores for
Glamorgan, a team he'd chosen as the Cinderella club in the County Championship
and underdogs in all their matches.
John's enquiring mind was not viewed sympathetically
by his teachers who saw him 'beyond the pale' and, by his own admission, he was
"a bit of a rebel". His radical views would later see him challenging the
political orthodoxies of both the right and the left in his regular appearances
on Any Questions?
His first paid job was in the Town
Planning Office at Basingstoke Borough Council and then shortly afterwards as a
diet clerk at the Park Prewett Mental Hospital. The attraction of the job was
more that the hospital fielded a good cricket side rather than the delights of
assessing and ordering provisions.
It was a similar consideration that
informed his next career move to join the constabulary in Southampton - a place
not too far away from a first class game and where there was a good side within
the force.
There's one amusing incident that
Arlott, PC94, became involved in that perhaps presages the famous 1975
'freaker' commentary. Apparently a notorious Southampton flasher would
ride his bike past rows of house drawing attention to himself whilst rattling a walking stick across the
fences or iron railings and at the same time shining a torch on 'himself'. One
winter's evening Arlott and a fellow copper gave chase to him on their bikes,
the pursuit came to an ungainly halt when the bikes and their riders parted
company after hitting a tram that had screeched to a stop. Afterwards when John
went round to see the youth's mother she remarked: "There's many a woman
down the street who would give her right arm for what Billy's got".
His work in the police force helped
John develop his skills of observation, skills that would later infuse his
commentary and his sports writing, It was also at this time that he developed
his love a poetry, both reading it and writing it; his own verse enabling him
to voice some of the horrors he witnessed in the war-torn city.
Illustration by Peter Brookes
In 1942 John published his first
book, an anthology of topographical verse titled Landmarks. It also included some of his own work such as Cricket at Worcester, 1938. 'Dozing in
the deck-chair's gentle curve/ Through half-closed eyes I watched the cricket/Knowing
the sporting press would say/ Perks bowled well on a perfect wicket.' He continued to contribute verse to
periodicals and in 1944 an anthology of his own poetry was published by
Jonathan Cape, Of Period and Place.
The poet policeman became the
broadcasting policeman in 1944 when BBC producer, and former literary editor,
Geoffrey Grigson heard of Arlott via John Betjeman. His first talk, on cricket
naturally enough, aired under the title An
Enthusiast on his Enthusiasm on the Home Service on 23 October 1944. This was
sufficiently well received, and for the next couple of years - with the kind
understanding of his police superiors - the BBC offered him further talks plus
poetry readings and acting performances on both the domestic and overseas
services. In an internal memo Grigson
noted: "Arlott's a slowish speaker with a fairly rich Hampshire voice. He
takes production very well, and can be bullied with discretion into style and
By now John had been attached to the
Police Training School, initially in Southampton and then seconded to London,
handy for all those broadcasts. He has chosen to represent the police in the
broadcast of a Tribute to the King on
VE Day. Shortly after he handed in his resignation to join the staff of the BBC
as Assistant (English Programmes) Eastern Services at the Overseas Services HQ
on Oxford Street.
For the next four and a half years
John's production work at the BBC mostly consisted of Book of Verse, a series about poetry featuring poets and writers
such as Cecil Day-Lewis, P.H. Newby, Laurence Whistler, Stephen Spender and
Dylan Thomas. John made about forty programmes with Dylan Thomas, about whom he
observed: "He was an essentially simple person. He liked cricket, Rugby
football and beer, jokes, idleness and other men's poetry."
Book of Verse
was not only heard on the Eastern Services but enjoyed repeats on the Pacific
and North American services and, for a while, was heard in the UK on the Light
Programme. The readers included Valentine Dyall, David Jacobs, Robin Holmes,
Laidman Brown, Carleton Hobbs and Marjorie Westbury.
John' move into cricket commentary
came about, as these things often do, in a casual manner. In 1946 the Director
of Eastern Services, Donald Stephenson, wanted to cover some of the matches of the
Indian Test tour and asked John if he'd ever done a cricket broadcast. He replied in the affirmative, referring a
talk he'd given on the Home Service called The
Hampshire Giants, even though he'd not done any actual commentating. Arlott passed with flying colours. He soon
developed a style of observation suffused with the poetic, allowing him to
describe the players and the action in his own inimitable style. Years later,
for instance , he would describe a bowler's crab-like delivery was "like
Groucho Marx chasing a pretty waitress" and an umpire signalling a bye
"with the air of a weary stork". He described his own technique thus:
"I talk about what I see. A lot of commentators tend to talk about what
they are thinking rather than what they are watching."
As well as providing brief pieces of
cricket commentary - this was before the days of ball-by-ball coverage - for
Overseas listeners, he also broadcast to home listeners on the Light Programme;
his first commentary billing in the Radio
Times for the match between Glamorgan and India is on 3 August 1946.
By now John was combining cricket
commentary, and from 1947, football commentary, presenting and producing for
the Overseas Service, writing books about cricket and a sports column for the Evening News. He gave up his poetry
programmes in 1951 to briefly join the Corporation's Staff Training Unit and in
March 1953 left the staff to go freelance.
Those football commentaries are often
overlooked. When Sports Report first
aired in January 1948, John Arlott was there to report: "The game between
Portsmouth and Huddersfield was a magnificent one to watch because both forward
lines kept up on the attack and the wing-halves of each side gave them all the
support they could possibly want, bringing the ball to them along the
ground..." He continued to cover football until the late 50s but his style
didn't necessarily suit the game. "His delivery was flat and monotonous.
He seemed to concentrate very much on the players rather than the teams for
which they were playing, so that if one joined the programme late, it would be
difficult to distinguish which way the ball was going."
TMS 23 June 1962
Much is made of Arlott's cricket
commentary style, even though a lot of the available archive material doesn't
adequately represent it. Often the longueurs of the game provide as much
delight as the moments of action and high drama. It's difficult to describe so
I'll leave it to Norman Herd who wrote this précis in the weekly magazine Spotlight:
His sentences are put together with a
delightful smoothness and a spontaneous obedience to grammatical laws. He sees
in pictures. He sees every player freshly and introduces him afresh at every
appearance, no matter how much he may have done so previously...His imagery is remarkably consistent.
Watkins, he tells us, is squatting 'rabbit-like' on his heels. Later on,
Watkins 'scurries' across. Compton is once again walking and 'doctoring' this
almost 'incurable' wicket.
This is John providing the
commentary, alongside Ralph Richardson, in this somewhat over-romanticised look
at the game for a British Council film released in 1950:
John's broadcasts weren't entirely
devoted to sport and when Any Questions?
started on the West of England Home Service on 12 October 1948 he was on the
panel alongside novelist Naomi Royde-Smith, journalist for The Economist Honor Croome and Chief Education Officer for Dorset
(later he'd chair My Word) Jack
Longland. Arlott was an out-spoken, passionate and witty contributor to the
programme though he nearly created a diplomatic incident when, in 1950, he
opined that "the existing government in South Africa is predominantly a
Nazi one". He was dropped for a
while but continued to appear fairly regularly until the early 1970s.
Here are some audio memories of John
Arlott as recalled on Radio 5 Live's Voices
of Summer that first aired on 30 May 2013. With Mark Pougatch are Jonathan
Agnew , Vic Marks, Bob Harris and David Rayvern-Allen.
Guilty Party broadcast on the Light Programme 21 August 1962.
This particular edition, along with a few others, can be heard on at least one Old Time Radio website.
As well as numerous books and essays
on cricket, and other sports, John wrote about his beloved Hampshire
countryside and about wine - he had a well-stocked cellar at his final home on
Alderney. He wrote for many national papers including the News Chronicle, the Observer,
the Guardian, the Times and the Daily Mail. He also, naturally, wrote for Wisden. All this was in addition to his radio and TV
commentary work -he'd started to cover TV matches from the mid-50s. Such was
his fame beyond the world of cricket that he had plenty of other job offers too
from advertising St Bruno tobacco and cheddar cheese to appearing on panel
games such as Guilty Party. This
programme - on the Home Service and then the Light Programme between 1954 and
1962 - featured John on the panel trying to guess to outcome of an acted out
crime and then identify 'the guilty party'. One can only assume his police
training came in useful for this role. The format was revived in the 1990s as Foul Play.
By 1979 John had made up his mind
that the following season would be his last. Not only was he tired of meeting
all his broadcasting and writing deadlines but his bronchitis was causing him
trouble. "My wheezy chest, which does sometimes sound like a pair of
bagpipes full of dust." In this interview with fellow commentator Brian
Johnston he recalls his career. This was first heard on the Radio 4 special 100 Years of Australia-34 Years of Arlott.
His final Test Match appearance was
on 2 September 1980 for the Centenary Test against Australia. There was no
on-air farewell, no acknowledgment that 34 years of Test Match commentary was
at an end. Perhaps he feared he would have choke on his words.
Radio Times billing for John's final
commentary match
A number of references to Arlott's
final Test Match commentary make the assumption that it was his last ever radio
commentary. It wasn't. That followed some four days later when Radio 3 medium
wave covered the Gillette Cup Final of Surrey vs Middlesex at Lords. I was
reminded of this last year when Charlie Cooke contacted me to kindly offer me
his recording of part of that commentary. With him in the commentary box is
Fred Trueman and 'The Bearded Wonder' Bill Frindall. You'll also hear Brian
Johnston, Trevor Bailey and Radio 3 announcer John Holmstrom. Here's John in
action. Listen out for a comment about chanting from the Tavern "born on
the wings of ale".
The recording doesn't include John's
sign-off but this was related by Henry Blofeld in his Times obituary for John:
"It was a rare and unforgettable privilege
to have had the luck to share a microphone with Arlott in the last seven years
of his commentating career. On a Saturday evening in early September 1980,
towards the end of the Gillette Cup final, Arlott said simply, 'And after a
word from Trevor Bailey, it will be Henry Blofeld.'
He got up from his seat and pushed
back his chair; he stood aside while I sat down and then moved quietly to the
back of the commentary-box, where he opened the door and walked slowly out of
cricket commentary for ever. As likely as not he went in search of a glass of
his beloved claret."
In fact even that match wasn't John's
final radio commentary. Not if you count his appearance on Noel Edmond's Radio
1 show on 7 September covering the game featuring Princess Margaret's XI versus
President Carter's XI.
John lived out his retirement on Alderney,
still writing on cricket, and wine, and making occasional radio and TV
broadcasts. But his health was failing and on 14 December 1991 he passed away. The
voice of cricket fell silent.
John Arlott
This post only touches on John Arlott''s
life and career. There are a number of books by and about John but the above
quotes come from Arlott: The Authorised
Biography by David Rayvern Allen (Harper Collins, 1994).