On 6 November 1929 listeners to BBC radio heard the first
ever programme to analyse the workings of Parliament. The 15-minute scripted talk
billed as The Week in Parliament was
the first in a new series to be presented by woman MPs and aimed at women
voters. In the words of its producer Marjorie Wace the notion was to have "a
woman MP to give a simple explanatory talk on the week in parliament, every
Wednesday morning at 10.45; a time we find most busy woman can listen best when
they have their cup of tea."
The Director of Talks, Hilda Matheson, outlined the idea
behind the series: "It occurred to me that it might help to stimulate a
greater interest in parliament if during the session weekly talks were given by
one or two women members of Parliament who would give a simple account of the
week in Westminster. I believe that this would help perhaps to bring home to
listeners that they had a stake in the Government of the country and that what
was done there did concern their lives and futures."
From those humble beginnings the programme, re-titled The Week in Westminster in 1930 has been
running during parliamentary sessions ever since making it the world's longest
running political programme.
Billing for the first talk on 6 November 1929 |
That first talk was given by Labour M.P. Mary Hamilton in a
programme billed as "the first of a series of weekly talks on the week's
proceedings in Parliament, to be given by women M.P.s. Mrs. Mary Agnes Hamilton
is, of course, M.P. for Blackburn. Many listeners will remember her talks when
she was the B.B.C. book critic".
Further talks in the series in the 6 week series were given
by Scottish Unionist M.P. Katherine Stewart-Murray, The Duchess of Atholl and
Independent M.P. Eleanor Rathbone as well as Mary Hamilton.
The series returned to the air on 5 February 1930 as The Week in Westminster again with women
M.P.s Ellen Wilkinson, Lady Astor and the first Welsh woman M.P. Megan Lloyd
George (who appeared on the programme up until the mid-60s) and later Gwendolen
Guinness, the Countess of Iveagh, Edith Picton-Turberville and controversially,
at least in retrospect, Lady Cynthia Mosley.
Megan Lloyd George MP was a regular for 30 years |
The talks continued to be heard mid-week in the late morning
with the Radio Times advocating them
as primarily intended for " unemployed groups" but also commanding "wide attention among other listeners
because of its topical interest".
Throughout the thirties male MPs were increasingly heard
with only Megan Lloyd-George now offering the female perspective. Amongst those
appearing were William Morrison, Clement Atlee, Robert Boothby, later a
stalwart of the post-war Any Questions?
panel, Frederick Watkins, Richard Acland, Ronald Cartland, Wilfrid Roberts,
Fred Marshall and Quintin Hogg.
With the outbreak of the Second World War The Week in Westminster took a break
until May 1941 when it was re-scheduled to Saturday evenings. Lloyd-George was
told to keep the programme lively as it came at "a favourite listening
time immediately preceding a highspot variety programme known as Oi". [A Flanagan and Allen variety
show]. One of the programmes' producers during the war was Guy Burgess who used
the contacts he made with politicians and journalists to secure a job at the
Foreign Office and further his Soviet spying activities.
The Week in
Westminster continued on Saturday evenings for the next 25 years with over
100 MPs appearing in the studio. The pre-war rota system which limited the
number of speakers in any session was abandoned after 1945 "in order to
infuse new blood". However, few woman MPs were given the opportunity to
broadcast with perhaps Barbara Castle being the best known of the handful that
did make it. Other noteworthy names from the post-war era include Woodrow
Wyatt, James Callaghan, Peter Thorneycroft, Manny Shindwell, Richard Crossman,
Enoch Powell, John Profumo, Denis Healey, Tony Benn, Bill Deedes, Jeremy
Thorpe, Chris Chataway, Brian Walden and Roy Hattersley.
Marking the 40th anniversary in 1969 with a special Radio 4 feature
Parliament Through the Microphone |
From January 1967 producer Bernard Tate had determined a
different approach "to fit in with the modern developments in current
affairs reporting", probably alluding to the more rigorous reporting on
programmes such as The World at One
on the Home Service and BBC1's 24 Hours,
both of which had started in 1965. Now the programme would, instead of a single
speaker, have "interviews and
discussions by several MPs under the guidance of a political journalist or
presenter". The aim remained to "give a balanced account of the
week's events in Parliament" and to still be "primarily the
backbenchers' programme."
The other major change was the shift to Saturday mornings,
were the programme has remained ever since. Well almost. It was shunted off to
Thursday nights from April 1998 to July 1999 at the behest of incoming
controller James Boyle. The proposed change of day was even mentioned in the
House of Commons with a motion tabled expressing dismay and that the "change
would cut the number of listeners by half and reduce the value of the programme
as an over-view of the whole Parliamentary week." After further pressure
from MPs and listeners alike it was moved back to Saturday.
Robert Carvel with the Rt Hon Denis Healey MP photographed for the
1988 series Carvel in Conversation. (Photo credit Getty Images) |
The first presenter under the new format was Ian Waller,
political correspondent at the Sunday
Telegraph followed by Robert Carvel of the Evening Standard who remained the main chairman for the next 20
years. Carvel, a newspaper journalist since the fifties, has already made
regular broadcasts on The World at One
and was seen as a potential replacement for William Hardcastle but he remained
with the Standard until his death in
A large number of political correspondents have appeared
since, mostly drawn from the heavyweight newspapers and the New Statesman. (Complete list below). From
late 1970 and 1977 the programme was sequenced together with From Our Own Correspondent and The Weekly World under the title Saturday Briefing. Only after the start
of radio broadcasting of Parliamentary proceedings in April 1978 could the
programme include any actuality of what was under discussion.
A Peter Brookes cartoon for the Radio Times
marking the 50th anniversary |
The two longest serving presenters are Peter Riddell
originally working for the
Times and then
The Times who was
regularly heard between 1983 and 2011. His final edition is
available here.
Next is Steve Richards of the New Statesman and later The
Independent who's been on the programme since 1997. The pool of potential presenters
has shrunk in recent years and the current team includes Peter Oborne, George
Parker, Anne McElvoy, Paul Waugh, Tom Newton Dunn, Isabel Hardman and Anushka
Asthana. Online news sources are now represented with Paul Waugh working for
the HuffPost UK and previously Jim Waterson of Buzzfeed (now at The Guardian).
Week in Westminster
(the definite article was dropped from the title in 2003) continues today,
though it'll be taking a short break for yet another general election. Never has Westminster being more in focus;
I'm not sure I've ever watched or heard as much coverage from the House of
Commons as in the last two years. The political turmoil and the polarising of
the political debate means the programme is as important as ever, offering a
more considered, less frenetic reflection on events in Westminster than the
rolling news services provide.
Apart from Ian Waller, Robert Carvel and Peter Riddell the
following political journalists have presented the programme.
Alexander (Daily Telegraph)
Lancaster (Daily Mirror)
David Watt
Alan Watkins
(New Statesman)
Gardiner (Thomson regional press)
Coggrave (Spectator)
David Wood
Jenkins (Guardian later Independent)
Vic tor
Knight (Sunday Mirror)
Hugo Young
(Sunday Times)
Coady (New Statesman)
Andrew Neil
(Sunday Times)
Goodman (FT later Channel 4 News)
Harrison (Daily Mail)
Adam Raphael
Jenkins (Economist)
Kellner (New Statesman)
Elliott (Economist)
Naughtie (Guardian)
George Jones
(Daily Telegraph)
Langdon (Daily Mirror)
Robin Oakley
Andrew Marr
(Scotsman later Economist)
James Carvel
White (Guardian)
Rawnsley (Guardian)
Stephens (FT)
Campbell (Daily Mirror later Today)
Heffner (Spectator then Daily Telegraph)
Sarah Baxter
Johnson (Daily Telegraph)
Applebaum (Evening Standard)
MacIntyre (Independent)
Aaronovitch (Independent)
Kavanagh (Sun)
Hargreaves (New Statesman)
Kirsty Milne
(New Statesman)
Richards (New Statesman then Independent) 1997 -
Sergeant (BBC)
Kirsty Young
(New Statesman)
Mary Ann
Sieghart (Times)
Freedland (Guardian)
Crick (BBC)
Michael Gove
Macdonald (BBC)
Shrimsley (FT)
Simon Water
(Mail on Sunday)
Peter Oborne
(Spectator) 2002 -
Ashley (New Statesman and Guardian) 2000-2014
Pascoe-Watson (Sun)
D'Ancona (Spectator)
Pierce (Daily Mail)
Ben Brogan
(Daily Telegraph)
Parker (FT) 2010 -
Nelson (Spectator)
Sue Cameron
(FT then Daily Telegraph)
Anne McElvoy
(Economist) 2013 -
Iain Martin
(Daily Telegraph then Times)
Hardman (Spectator) 2014 -
Helen Lewis
(New Statesman) 2014 -
Paul Waugh
(Huffington Post) 2014 -
Tom Newton
Dunn (Sun) 2014 -
Jim Waterson
(BuzzFeed) 2014 -
Beth Rigby
Asthama (Guardian)
Sam Coates
Kate McCann
(Daily Telegraph)
Matt Chorley